Hi, I’m Jenn! I’ve been photographing people longer than I’ve been a wife and a momma. I reside in Anniston, Alabama in a house built in 1928, with the 3 most fascinating males on the planet. Well, 4 if you count my dog. They are my whole world. My oldest son is my rainbow, my youngest son is my sunshine, and my husband is the moon. And a rockstar. And hot. And my best friend. And my boyfriend. We’ve been married 8 years.
When we actually get time together, it feels like a date just driving somewhere to get a hot drink. We love doing that even more when it’s raining. We love eating Mexican food. I’ll say we go “camping” which, I love. Our first camping experience was a “honeymoon” road trip from Oregon to Alabama that I don’t have enough space here to go into detail, but, it was interesting and amazing and beautiful all at the same time. And hot in the desert. And wet during monsoon season in a tent in Flagstaff, but we didn’t get washed away. We made it back to Alabama in once piece. We all LOVE being out in nature. My husband and I both grew up in the country. He is from this area. I grew up in Eastern Kentucky.
I have been fascinated by photography and art as far back as I can remember. My dad had a National Geographic subscription and I remember spreading them all over the floor and opening them to the pages where I liked the photos the most so I could see them all at the same time. In college, I took photography classes using black and white film and making prints in a dark room. I was literally terrified to photograph people and chose to focus on still life and flowers. Then one day, a dear friend of mine asked me to photograph her wedding, which, I was still terrified to do, but I wasn’t going to tell her no. It ended up being not as scary as I had thought.
My photography style is to celebrate the person/people as true works of art. I want to celebrate YOU, in all of your natural beautiful colors, inside and out. I want to photograph the real you, in your pure glory, in a way that will stand the test of time. So that years from now, your photos will be timeless. I want to capture connection, whether deeply or playfully. My style is freshly organic and authentic with minimal props. I enjoy celebrating fresh newborns, new families, motherhood and growing babies in my white studio and during golden hour at a farm. My husband supports this passion of mine more than I can even put into words. He sees the things I cannot at times, but will be patient for me to get there. There is no way I would be doing this without him being my constant cheerleader and personal tech support that costs $60 a minute. Grateful is an understatement.
Photography by Couch Photography.